Thursday, April 9, 2015

Dog Kennel Turned Chicken Coop

When we bought the farm there were several existing outbuildings on the property: chicken coop, dog kennel, storage shed, barn, a small shed/building that was used a bedroom, and another log building that we were told was the original chicken coop from previous owners.

Original Chicken Coop
The original coop is very cute and will be used for something down the line - just not a chicken coop.

The building and area that was most recently used as a chicken coop and run was not suitable for the number of chickens we have.

Nor was the chicken area large enough or safe enough.

You can barely see the chicken wire in these photos.  It goes down to the creek and the chicken wire that was on top is collapsing from the weight of the leaves.

We decided to use the adjacent building that was used as a dog kennel and has a fenced in yard in front of it.

CountryBoy spent some time cleaning out the area, opening up the space, adding chicken wire and a door to the front.

Now the chicks are safe and have a large area to run around in.

CountryBoy also retrofitted the best of the dog houses for the heat lamp.

(Since this photo was taken we've added a roost which they jumped on right away.)

It didn't take them any time to learn that the dog house was where they were to sleep at night and where they would stay warm until they have all their feathers.

Eventually we will add some roosts, feeders, waterer, nest boxes and a storage place for feed.

Once all their feathers have grown in then we will let them out in the fenced in area in front of the new coop.

As you can see, the fence needs a bit of work but shouldn't take a whole lot to get it secure.

I remember when we looked at the place before buying it that we couldn't even see this area nor the buildings because there were so many weeds in there.  Little by little.

At least the chicks are out of the house and have room to run around!

We also hope to let them run around the yard when we're outside.  While we would love to have them free ranging all the time we've seen some hawks around here so we'll see.

And, since all this talk about dog kennels and houses, here's Miss LizzieBelle enjoying some sunshine...

She was munching on some grass prior to this shot.  She does not look happy with me for interrupting her feast, ha!

Also, please note that I have changed my 'Comment' settings.  Hopefully, those of you that have had trouble leaving a comment will be able to do so without any trouble now.  Fingers crossed since I love hearing from you!

Linking up at


daisy g said...

So exciting! This is the first time I've visited your blog. I love how you are repurposing what you already have on the property. Your chicks will have a cozy, safe home. You're invited to share this outdoor post on The Maple Hill Hop!

Gail Dixon said...

How exciting to have finally realized your dream of owning a farm! Congratulations!! Good hearing from you today. :)

Family Time said...

Do you deliver eggs?


Unknown said...

Brilliant idea! That is way cheaper than building chicken coop. I want to say that building modern chicken coops is very important to have healthy chickens that will give you better quality eggs.